viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

First meeting with  representatives from the USA. Embassy and ICPNA Chiclayo.

The United States Embassy and the ICPNA Chiclayo decided to start a special program ( SUMMER LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOR NATIONAL SCHOOL TEACHERS) for English teachers and help them enrich their English level and skills for teaching better.The first group began on January 5th,2003 with sixty participants so we had two groups; one was under Santy´s responsability and the other was  Ivan´s.

2.-Reading and Writing techniques
4.-Communicatives activities
5.-lesson plan discussions
6.-Civic Education

1.-To develop participants´communicative competence
2.-to introduce grammar points needed for basic and intermediate levels of language proficiency
3.-to provide them with strategies and techniques that improve the teaching of reading and writing
4.-to focus on important features of spoken English such as stress, rhythm, intontion, reductions, and linking sounds

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